Tales Of Illamatepec
"It's always good to visit the same place more than once. Change always makes something new."
Someone Very Special to Me
I have visited the Ilamatepec volcano so many times that I have lost count of all the hats, caps and headscarves that the wind has taken away from me. However, for every piece of clothing I've lost, there's always an interesting story to tell about that place. Ilamatepec is not just a volcano. It is the highest peak in El Salvador makes it one of the most important national attractions, but it is so unique that it has its own ecosystem, economy and culture. From people who find a religious meaning and make a pilgrimage to the top, to a famous popsicle seller who walks the mountain every morning for profit, both from tourists and locals. This place stands out because there is a culture around it, so I will never stop visiting it.